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SSN Conference - Reporting to Accelerate Action on the Climate Emergency

31 May 2022

The SSN Conference - Reporting to Accelerate Action on the Climate Emergency was held on 25th May 2022. Participants heard from the Cabinet Secretary for Net Zero, Energy and Transport and a range of public sector leaders, who discussed current and future progress and shared good practice. 

Delegates were invited to participate in collaborative workshops from the list below:

  1. New Reporting Requirements & Enhanced Analysis
  2. Good Governance for Climate Action
  3. Procurement, Climate & Public Sector Reporting
  4. Adaptation 
  5. Public Sector Land: Sequestration & Reporting
  6. Net Zero Public Sector Buildings & Reporting

To close the conference, the final plenary session focussed on exploring how to design effective interventions and monitor progress, how to build capacity and share resources, and how to develop good partnerships and governance.

View the Morning Plenary: 

Reporting To Accelerate Action On The Climate Emergency [LINK]

View the Afternoon Plenary: 

Sharing The Challenge of Tackling Area Wide Emissions [LINK]

We will be sharing a Conference Summary in June.

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