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Shared Plan to Tackle the Climate Emergency

26 August 2019

The SSN commits to a 12-point plan to ramp up action in Scotland

A group of civic and business leaders (including the SSN and steering group Chair Kate Dapré) set out recommendations for the key actions the Scottish Government needs to take to ramp up its response to the climate emergency in its forthcoming Programme for Government.

The Climate Emergency Response Group has developed a 12- point plan of the key actions that the Scottish Government needs to implement now, if we’re to avoid breaching 1.5° C of warming, which would mean disaster for people and nature around the world.

The 12 actions are summarised as follows:

The group says that these actions can all be taken forward with urgency by Ministers, are in line with the scale of climate crisis we face and will help make Scotland a better place to live and work.

Kathryn Dapré, Head of Energy and Sustainability, NHS National Services Scotland and Chair of the Sustainable Scotland Network said:

"This set of recommendations for action to respond to the climate emergency are ready to be implemented now and have cross-sector support. Not only will these actions slash emissions, they will also create significant social and economic co-benefits – for example improved public health, alleviation of fuel poverty, and job creation."

The Scottish Government has said that the Programme for Government will set out important further detail on Scotland’s declaration of a climate emergency, and the Government’s response.

The Climate Emergency Group brings together leaders and influencers from across different sectors in Scotland, spanning private, public sector, third sector, delivery organisations and membership bodies. The group’s members welcome the First Minister’s commitment to net zero greenhouse gas emissions in Scotland by 2045, and want to support the action that requires.

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