The past month has been a busy one in terms of policy developments and SSN planning.
Of most strategic significance was the passing of the Climate Change (Emissions Reduction Targets) (Scotland) Bill by the Scottish Parliament on 5th November. This Bill lays the foundation for Scotland to move from annual GHG emissions targets to 5-yearly emissions budgets. This means Scotland will have a similar budget approach to that of the rest of the UK. The previous interim target of 75% reduction by 2030 no longer stands, while the overarching net zero by 2045 target remains in place.
Climate Change Committee advice will inform the five yearly emissions budgeting of the Scottish Government, and all eyes are now on the detail of the forthcoming Climate Change Plan. Much of the Parliamentary scrutiny of the Bill emphasised the need to focus on the specific plans and investments that Scotland needs to drive change in emissions. SSN will be working with the Scottish Government and our ECCI colleagues to support SSN members to be well briefed about the Climate Change Plan, and to engage where possible in its development.
The past month also saw the Scottish Parliament’s NZET Committee report on its scrutiny of the Scottish Government’s Improvement Plan designed to address the recommendations made by Environmental Standards Scotland’s investigation into climate change delivery. The Committee’s report concluded:
- The Committee recognises the importance of measuring scope 3 emissions to prompt changes that can reduce these. We also recognise the need for further research to establish how scope 3 emissions can be reliably measured and avoid any unintended consequences.
- The Committee also emphasises the need to ensure that local authorities receive sufficient resources and appropriate training to enable them to carry out reporting on scope 3 emissions.
- The Committee will review progress on the actions identified in the improvement plan, noting the suggestion from ESS that the work being undertaken on group 2 and group 3 emissions should be completed by November 2027.
- The Committee considers the Scottish Government's improvement plan a proportionate route forward and recommends that the Parliament approves it.
SSN members were actively involved in informing and shaping the ESS investigation evidence gathering and the Scottish Government’s improvement plan. SSN is now looking ahead to working to support the implementation of the improvement plan.