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New SSN Steering Group members announced

24 January 2019

Nine new Steering Group members appointed to the SSN

The Sustainable Scotland Network recruited for a refreshed Steering Group late in 2018 with appointments confirmed this week. New members include representatives from four new local authority areas, new representation from NHS Scotland, Scottish Water, Scottish Fire and Rescue Service and the Scottish Funding Council. For the first time a Scottish college will also be part of the Group – Fife College.

The appointments bring the SSN Steering Group to 16 representative members. The Steering Group is made up of SSN members, strategic partners, the Scottish Government, and delivery partners ECCI, and Sniffer. The Steering Group can also have observers who bring specific skills and experience.

The Steering Group provides a senior-level, trusted space for public sector practitioners and decision-makers to engage directly with the Scottish Government, to work directly with peers from across the public sector, and to steer the development of SSN.

The Steering Group acts as the principal leadership group for SSN, providing strategic and practical support to the secretariat. It also offers a valuable opportunity for public sector sustainability and climate change champions to engage at national level and to guide the development and delivery of Scotland’s premier public sector network on sustainable development and climate change.

SSN Chair Chris Wood Gee commented:

“This is a hugely exiting time to be part of leading action on climate change here in Scotland. Our public sector has so much to contribute – both in terms of real reduction in emissions as well as wider leadership and influence across sectors and society. The SSN is a critical vehicle for sharing what works, maximising impact and building our capacity to deliver. This new cohort brings a wealth of experience, energy and expertise to the Group and we’re looking forward to welcoming new colleagues and working together.”

The SSN Steering Group is:

The Group meets officially on a quarterly basis and will kick off 2019 with a full day planning meeting in late February.

Following on the heels of the successful Members’ event in late December the secretariat and Steering Group are supporting the development of three Action Groups focused on Governance, Finance and Reporting. All SSN members are welcome to participate. If you have yet to sign up, please do so by contacting Catherine Pearce, SSN’s Capacity Building Manager (

For questions or more information about the SSN or about the Steering Group please contact Siobhan Dunn (

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