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The European Climate Change Adaptation Conference

28 May 2019 to 31 May 2019


ECCA Conference

The biennial European Climate Change Adaptation conference is convened by EU-funded projects on behalf of the European Commission. ECCA 2019 – Working together to prepare for change – is the fourth such conference, to be hosted in Lisbon from 28–31 May, 2019.

The 4th ECCA builds on past conferences that took place in Hamburg (2013), Copenhagen (2015) and Glasgow (2017), and aims to:

  • Provide a space that facilitates a dialogue among a diverse range of actors from academia, government, business and community on the multiple aspects of climate change adaptation
  • Promote the communication and knowledge exchange between researchers, policymakers and practitioners
  • Find integrated solutions and inspire action
  • Support ongoing efforts to enhance the coherence and synergy between CCA and DRR research, policy and practice
  • Discuss key challenges and solutions in cities
  • Provide a stage for presenting European’s excellence on Research & Innovation for CCA
  • Inform the next European funding framework for Research & Innovation

The biennial European Climate Change Adaptation conference is convened by EU-funded projects on behalf of the European Commission.

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