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LCNI: Low Carbon Networks & Innovation Conference

30 October 2019 to 31 October 2019


Scottish Events Campus

Towards a Low Carbon Energy Future

The ninth annual Low Carbon Networks & Innovation Conference, the go-to conference for network innovation and which sets the industry’s progression towards a secure, sustainable and affordable smart grid, will be held in Glasgow this October.

LCNI is organised annually by Energy Networks Association, on behalf of the UK electricity and gas network operators, and with cooperation of headline sponsors and conference supporters. This year's conference sponsors and supporters include Headline Sponsor SP Energy Networks, Gala Dinner Sponsor EA Technology and Supporter Glasgow Convention Bureau.

The conference showcases key projects awarded under the NIA and NIC funding mechanisms by seven participating LNOs. This year's energy focus is on electricity and features empowering new energy innovators as the underpinning theme.

Network Innovation Allowance (NIA) key facts:

  • ~58% of NIA projects involve a third party partner,
  • ~43% of all NIA projects originate from a third party idea or proposal,
  • The average spend with third parties on the NIA programme is 80%,
  • Over 150 different third parties are involved in NIA.

Discover more about the key Ofgem-funded and NIA and NIC innovation projects featured at LCNI via the Smarter Networks Portal and Network Innovation Collaboration Portal.

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