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Inverness local assembly for creative climate action

13 April 2024


Join this local assembly for creative climate action in Inverness

Creative Carbon Scotland is working with cultural and sustainability organisations and networks across Scotland to deliver a series of local assemblies for creative climate action. At the Inverness assembly, Creative Carbon Scotland is working with Eden Court, Highland Adapts and The Highlands and Islands Climate Hub to focus on how artists, cultural, community organisations and climate organisations can collaborate to enable climate action with an emphasis on climate adaptation and creativity locally.

The first workshop will be delivered by Creative Carbon Scotland. This workshop will unlock the power of our collective imagination in climate action, and strengthen collaborative dreaming and imagining towards effective collective action. Later in the afternoon, you will have the opportunity to join a storymap session led by Highland Adapts and The Highland and Islands Climate Hub to map areas and issues of adaptation.

SPRINGBOARD brings together artists, cultural and sustainability organisations, climate workers, activists, local businesses, third-sector organisations and anyone interested in collaborating to form powerful local networks for creative climate action. Local assemblies are an opportunity to connect with other practitioners in your region to address climate change collectively. These local assemblies are for anyone working or volunteering in the climate or environmental sector, the arts, screen, creative industries, museums, heritage and libraries. Lunch, tea and coffee will be provided. We will also provide a project sharing table, so if you have a creative or climate related project you want to share on the day, please bring materials to add to the table, eg publication, flyers, art objects.

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