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A Transmission Owner's Perspective on Stability in a Low Carbon System

12 February 2020


University of Strathclyde, Technology and Innovation Centre

Scotland South West Local Network are hosting a seminar on 12 February which will explore a transmission owner's perspective on stability in a low carbon system.

The transition to a zero carbon electricity system will see the more converter-connected sources like wind, solar, batteries and HVDC and less synchronous generation. The traditional approaches to modelling and assessing system stability have to change. In fact, the very definitions of “stability” and “system strength” need to adapt. The pace of change is rapid and there are significant challenges to be tackled to ensure the industry continues to manage risks effectively. This talk will highlight some of the most significant challenges in system behaviour and the potential solutions. This will be presented in the context of a GB industry structure and incentives regime that divides responsibility and emphasises the role of flexibility services and markets in solving complex technical problems.

To register for this free event, please visit the IET website here.

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