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Centre for Energy Policy, Energy Conversations: 'Keeping the lights on': what is it worth?

21 February 2019


University of Strathclyde - Cathedral Wing

199 Cathedral Street

Centre for Energy Policy Energy Conversations: ‘Keeping the lights on’ : what is it worth?

With the upcoming Price Control for GB electricity transmission, this Energy Conversation will explore what the transmission network does for us. Join conversationalists from ScottishPower Energy and Citizens Advice Scotland.

Conversationalists include: Craig McTaggart, Non-Load Investment Manager at SP Energy Networks; Jamie Stewart, Energy Policy Team Manager at Citizens Advice Scotland; Keith Bell, SP Chair in Smartgrids; and Karen Turner, Director of Centre for Energy Policy, University of Strathclyde.

With the upcoming Price Control for GB electricity transmission, the Government, Ofgem and the energy companies are increasingly focused on understanding – and defining – what the value is of our electricity transmission network. What role does the transmission network play, how vital is it and how much do we value it?

Join us at this Energy Conversation to explore what the transmission network does for us.

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